Sunday, August 24, 2014

Walk This Way: School-Friendly Shoes

Hi friends,
     Shoes are probably my favorite thing to shop for. You don't have to worry about them fitting, and they aren't a hassle to try on. They're always there, haha. Heels are fun and flip-flops are easy, but some schools don't allow shoes like that. Here is a feature about comfy, cute shoes to add to your school wardrobe.

Check them out:

Some other favorites:

Thanks for visiting,
Sierra Rose


  1. Stumbled upon your blog this weekend and I have to say, it is adorable! I love your posts! My friend and I actually started one with somewhat similar content (mostly fashion, hopefully some beauty posts in the future) recently and I would love it if you could check us out! :)

  2. Thanks, I wish I could have all of them :p

  3. Cute blog, love the shoes!x

  4. I'm a sucker for polka dots and Keds <3
